20 feb 2012

[Flickr] JesToryAS (Jesús Torres Navarro) ha compartido una foto de Flickr contigo


¡Hola, le-jestor.felicidad@blogger.com!

JesToryAS (Jesús Torres Navarro) ha compartido una foto de Flickr contigo.


Cargada por Nené 2008 el 16 de febrero, 2012
Tomada en Argentina
© Todos los derechos reservados
Jim Morrison

The only people I care about, is the one who is crazy ....
Crazy to live ...
Crazy by talk ...
Crazy for salvation ...
Wanting to do everything at once ....
People who never yawn or speak platitudes ...
But burn like fabulous yellow rocket
exploding like spiders among the stars.-

Foto de internet ,editada.
No podía faltar en mi galería.-

Internet photo editing.
Could not miss my gallery. -

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