30 sept 2011

FW: Hija de catedrático de la UV desaparecida Urge


Pasa la foto a todo el mundo, nunca se sabe… Por favor, mira la foto, lee el mensaje de una madre desesperada y pasa la foto a todos tus contactos

Mí hija tiene 13 años, Jennifer Garcia Quintana, está desaparecida desde hace seis dias. Puede ocurrir que si todos pasan este mensaje, alguna persona la reconocerá. Se han encontrado personas con este método. Internet circula por todo el mundo… Por favor, pasa este mensaje a todos tus contactos. Gracias a todos ustedes podré encontrar a mi niña.
Les pido a todos, les suplico a todos, por favor pasa esta imagen a todas las personas posibles. Todavía no es tarde POR FAVOR, AYÚDAME. Sí tienes información, contacta con: e_olivobox@hotmail.com,josegil911@hotmail.com Solo hacen falta 2 minutos para hacer circular el mensaje. Si se tratase de tu hijo (a) harías lo imposible por obtener ayuda.Dios premiara tu bondad Un abrazo Dra.Silvia Isabel

por un mundo de equidad con justicia

Xicoténcatl 44 esquina Ignacio Zaragoza
Coatepec, Veracruz 91500
tel/fax 01(228)816 3151

27 sept 2011

FW: El Avion Mexicano...



Están todos los pasajeros en la sala de embarque esperando la salida del vuelo cuando de repente llega el copiloto impecablemente uniformado con anteojos oscuros y un bastón blanco tanteando el camino...

La empleada de la compañía aclara que, si bien es ciego, es el mejor copiloto que tiene la Empresa.

Al poco rato llega el piloto, con el uniforme impecable, anteojos oscuros y un bastón blanco asistido por dos azafatas.

La encargada de la sala aclara que, también, el piloto es ciego, pero que es el mejor piloto que tiene la Compañía y que, junto con el copiloto, hacen la dupla más experimentada.

Con todos a bordo, el avión comienza a carretear, tomando cada vez más velocidad y con los pasajeros aterrorizados. El avión sigue tomando velocidad pero no despega... continúa la carrera y sigue en tierra. Cada vez el final de pista está más cerca y en una explosión de histeria general los pasajeros comienzan a gritar como poseídos!AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

En ese momento el avión, milagrosamente, toma altura ...entonces el piloto le dice al copiloto...

- El día que los pasajeros no griten, ¡¡¡ Nos damos en la madre !!!!!!

Así está hoy Mexico , gobernado por ciegos y pendejos que no ven, o no quieren ver la realidad. A la espera de que el pueblo "GRITE" para levantar vuelo.

23 sept 2011

Duffle Bags/Backpacks-110918

Dear Sir/Madam,

- We have been manufacturing textile bags for over 35 years.
- We are a Taiwanese owned factory in China with currently over 350 skilled workers on the production line.
- We specialize in bags made of nylon, polyester, vinyl, cotton canvas and microfiber fabrics.
- We produce all kinds of bags EXCEPT for lady's fashion hand bags, hard case luggage, and leather bags.
- We guarantee price quotation within 24 hours,once you have provided all the information we need to calculate the cost.
- We guarantee to have a spec sample made within 3 business days ready for you to evaluate the quality and construction
   of the item that we quoted to you.

Please feel free to contact us anytime and let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
Please kindly Click Here if you are not able to view the flyer this email


Ref No. 110718

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21 sept 2011

Price List for Vertex Backpack.....Md1u


Dear Sir/Madam,


- We have been manufacturing textile bags for over 35 years. 

- We are a Taiwanese owned factory in China with currently over 350 skilled workers on the production line.

- We specialize in bags made of nylon, polyester, vinyl, cotton canvas and microfiber fabrics.

- We produce all kinds of bags EXCEPT for lady's fashion hand bags, hard case luggage, and leather bags.

- We guarantee price quotation within 24 hours, once you have provided all the information we need to calculate the cost.

- We guarantee to have a spec sample made within 3 business days ready for you to evaluate the quality and construction

  of the item that we quoted to you.


Please feel free to contact us anytime and let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Please kindly Click Here if you are not able to view the flyer this email 



Ref No. 110


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10 sept 2011

Promotional Tote and Messenger Bags

Dear Sir/Madam


- We have been manufacturing textile bags for over 35 years. 

- We are a Taiwanese owned factory in China with currently over 350 skilled workers on the production line.

- We specialize in bags made of nylon, polyester, vinyl, cotton canvas and microfiber fabrics.

- We produce all kinds of bags EXCEPT for ladys fashion hand bags, hard case luggage, and leather bags.

- We guarantee price quotation within 24 hours,once you have provided all the information we need to calculate the cost.

- We guarantee to have a spec sample made within 3 business days ready for you to evaluate the quality and construction
  of the item that we quoted to you.


Please feel free to contact us anytime and let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Please kindly Click Here if you are not able to view the flyer this email



Ref No. 110711

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8 sept 2011

Tote Bag/Backpack-110831.....Ne2v


Dear Sir/Madam,


- We have been manufacturing textile bags for over 35 years. 

- We are a Taiwanese owned factory in China with currently over 350 skilled workers on the production line.

- We specialize in bags made of nylon, polyester, vinyl, cotton canvas and microfiber fabrics.

- We produce all kinds of bags EXCEPT for lady's fashion hand bags, hard case luggage, and leather bags.

- We guarantee price quotation within 24 hours, once you have provided all the information we need to calculate the cost.

- We guarantee to have a spec sample made within 3 business days ready for you to evaluate the quality and construction
  of the item that we quoted to you.


Please feel free to contact us anytime and let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Please kindly Click Here if you are not able to view the flyer this email



Ref No. 110808

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        *** Please click on 
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