20 dic 2010

NYTimes.com: Paul Revere's Ride Against Slavery

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OPINION   | December 19, 2010
Op-Ed Contributor:  Paul Revere's Ride Against Slavery
"Paul Revere's Ride" was a rallying cry for the coming Civil War.

NYTimes.com: Gone With the Myths

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OPINION   | December 19, 2010
Op-Ed Contributor:  Gone With the Myths
Even after 150 years full of grief and pride and anger, we greet the sesquicentennial of the beginning of the Civil War wondering, why did the South secede?

18 dic 2010

Presidente Obama sobre el DREAM Act: "Mi gobierno no se rendirá" | La Casa Blanca

Es realmente desepcionantela votación en el Senado, pero nos queda, como positivo, la determinación de Obama de no rendirse


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El Presidente del Don't Ask, Don't Tell Ley de Derogación de 2010: "un paso histórico" | La Casa Blanca

Un gran triunfo del Presidente Obama; la apobación del Senado para derogar la Ley "no preguntamos, no digas" Un paso histórico


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NYTimes.com: To Conquer Wind Power, China Writes the Rules

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BUSINESS DAY   | December 15, 2010
Beijing Turbine:  To Conquer Wind Power, China Writes the Rules
Competing for China's lucrative business means playing by house rules that are often stacked in Beijing's favor.


15 dic 2010

El presidente Obama se reúne con ejecutivos en el "camino que guía al éxito económico Will" | La Casa Blanca

Se inicia una época nueva en la que el Presidente Obama tendrá mayores dificultades para sacar adelante sus políticas, pero con inteligencia y sediendo en algunas cosas, algo se avanzará


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11 dic 2010

NYTimes.com: Web Attackers Find a Cause in WikiLeaks

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WORLD   | December 10, 2010
Web Attackers Find a Cause in WikiLeaks
Loosely united Internet pranksters have evolved into a political movement for an unfettered Internet.